Mdi server – Grass Valley Aurora Browse v.7.0 Installation User Manual

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April 6, 2010

Aurora Browse Installation and Configuration Guide


MDI server

• Subscription Manager

• Transfer Manager

• License Manager

• MediaFrame database

• Aurora Browse Application Installer

• Proxy MDI


• Other MDIs (see MDI server)

MDI server

A machine that hosts an MDI (Managed Device Interface) service takes the role of an
MDI server. In larger systems, a separate MDI server hosts the MDIs and connects to
other devices on the control network. For smaller systems, the MDI server can be
combined with the MediaFrame server.

Refer to the following to identify the machines in your MediaFrame system that take
the role of MDI server, and make sure that the appropriate MDI services are installed.
Refer to

“The MediaFrame system” on page 14


Dedicated MDI server

— For medium to large MediaFrame systems, to ensure system

performance, most MDI services are on a stand-alone MDI server machine. The MDI
server requires only control network communication in preparation for its use in the
MediaFrame system.

MediaFrame server as MDI server

— For small MediaFrame systems, including the K2

BaseCamp Express, the MDI services can reside on the MediaFrame server.The
MediaFrame server also has the NTFS MDI service installed, as it is required to run
on the server, regardless of the size of the system.

Depending on your system, the MDI server can include:

• Archive MDI (Diva or Flashnet)

• Generic FTP MDI

• K2 MDI

• K2 Summit MDI

• M-Series MDI

• News MDI

• Profile MDI

NOTE: The News MDI and Profile MDI cannot be on the same server.