Testing the backup, Reconfiguring mediaframe after renaming the server – Grass Valley Aurora Browse v.7.0 Installation User Manual

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Aurora Browse Installation and Configuration Guide

April 6, 2010

Chapter 6 Database and Recovery Planning

Testing the backup

Database performance can be downgraded while this test is in progress, but the
database will remain operational during the test.

Prerequisite: Verify that logging is turned off for IIS.

1. Right-click on MediaFrame maintenance plan.

2. Click



NOTE: To check for errors, view the history. See

“Verifying the database

maintenance plan status” on page 145


Reconfiguring MediaFrame after renaming the server

Renaming the MediaFrame server after installation can affect the operation of the
system. If you rename the MediaFrame server or K2 BaseCamp Express server
after the software has been installed or configured, follow these steps.

1. To update SQL with the name change, run the ChangeServerName.bat script found


C:\Program Files\Grass


. Follow the

Readme.txt instruction located in the same folder.

2. Redo the database maintenance plan as described in

“Updating the maintenance

plan after renaming the server” on page 148


3. Update MediaFrame Configuration:

a. Make a backup copy of the configuration file:


b. In the Configuration file, update the server name in each of the URL lines that

contain the old server name.

For example:
