Installing and configuring the filezilla server, Configuring the generic ftp mdi for filezilla, Installing and configuring filezilla – Grass Valley Aurora Browse v.7.0 Installation User Manual
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April 6, 2010
Aurora Browse Installation and Configuration Guide
Configuring the Generic FTP MDI for FileZilla
Installing and configuring the FileZilla
Third-party servers such as the FileZilla FTP server can be used for nearline storage.
The Generic FTP MDI must be configured for FileZilla before you can use FileZilla
with the MediaFrame system.
This chapter contains the following topics:
“Configuring the Generic FTP MDI for FileZilla”
“Installing and configuring FileZilla”
“Testing the FileZilla configuration”
Configuring the Generic FTP MDI for FileZilla
To use FileZilla with the MediaFrame system, follow these steps.
1. Install the Generic FTP MDI on the MediaFrame server.
2. In the MediaFrame Config tool, select the MDI Registration tab.
3. Under Managed Device Services, highlight FTPMDI.
4. Click the
button. The Add MDI Service dialog box displays.
5. In the MDI Server Hostname text field, enter the name of the MediaFrame server
and click
6. In the MediaFrame Config tool, select the MDI Configuration tab.
7. Click on the Generic FTP icon.
8. Click the
button. The Add FTP dialog box displays.
9. Enter the FTP Server Address. This is the name from the host table of the FTP
network on the machine running FileZilla. Be sure to include the _he0 suffix.
10.Leave FTP Root Directory blank.
11.Enter the FTP username and password. This is the username and password of an
administrator-level user that created on the machine that is running FileZilla.
Installing and configuring FileZilla
On the machine chosen to run the FTP service (FileZilla), check to see if IIS is
installed. If it is, either uninstall it or disable it.