Visara FEP-4600 Installation User Manual
Page 60

Chapter 5. Token Ring Interface
Token Ring Drop Panel for Protocol ‘SNA-PU2’
Pressing the [Drops] button on the Token Ring Line panel causes the Token Ring Drop
panel to display. This panel allows you to define a Token Ring drop that will be
associated with an upstream ESCON Local Major Node definition on the host. An
example of this panel (PU2 Drop) appears below.
Field Definitions
An explanation of the options found on the Drop panel can be found below:
Configure Token Ring Line: This option allows you to specify a different Token Ring
line, if the one that is currently selected is not the one that you wish to make changes to.
Drop: This field displays a list of names given to drops that have been defined thus far
by the administrator. As each new drop is defined, it will be added to the list.
Dynamic LLC Connection: When this box is checked, this definition will be used for
dynamic connections. When a remote station connects, it will be challenged for its SNA
XID (PUID). This XID will be used to dynamically connect the station to an upstream
ESCON subchannel that is configured to match the XID (PUID). Selecting Dynamic
LLC will force the remote MAC address in the configuration to ’00:00:00:00:00:00’ and
gray out the ‘Remote MAC Address’ and ‘Remote SAP’.