Visara FEP-4600 Installation User Manual
Page 39

FEP-4600 Installation and Configuration
Protocol: The protocol field determines which channel protocol will be used for this CU
definition. Each CU definition is dedicated to a single protocol. Dependent upon the
selection of this option, other options may be revealed on this panel in the ‘Protocol
Options’ area. Values for this field are:
• SNA-PU 2 (3174) – This option is used for both PU 2.0 and PU 2.1. This
corresponds to a ‘UNIT=3174’ definition in the CNTLUNIT and IODEVICE
• SNA-PU 4 (SCTC) – This option is used for supporting remote FEP, and
Channel-to-Channel connections and corresponds to a ‘UNIT = SCTC’ definition
in the CNTLUNIT and IODEVICE macros
• SNA-PU4 (3745) – This option is still in development but is intended to
correspond to a 3745 definition.
• NSNA (3174, 2701) – This option is used for supporting BSC lines. For 3270
operations, this may correspond to a ‘UNIT=3174’ in the CNTLUNIT macro, and
a ‘UNIT=3277’ or ‘UNIT=3286’ in the corresponding IODEVICE macros.
• EP-Bisync - For EP applications, ‘UNIT=NOCHECK’ in the CNTLUNIT macro
and ‘UNIT=2701’ in the IODEVICE macro may be required.
• XCA – For Supporting both PU 2.0 and 2.1 nodes. This allows use VTAM
Switched Major Node definitions.
CUADD: This value is defined by the CUADD option in the CNTLUNIT macro
corresponding to this definition. Valid values are represented by 0-F hex.
LPAR Number: This field defines which LPAR the CU definition will communicate
with on the host. Each CU definition on the FEP-4600 is dedicated to a single LPAR.
Valid LPAR numbers are represented by the hex numbers 1-F. For Shared subchannels,
where a single CNTLUNIT definition may be used to define a CU for more than one
LPAR, you will need to make multiple CU definitions on the FEP-4600 to support each
of these LPARs. The value of this field identifies which LPAR this CU corresponds to.
Host Director Port: The Host Director Port field refers to the port on an ESCON
director (switch) that is connected back to the Host CPU. When an ESCON director is not
being used, leave this value defined to be ‘FF’ (determine the port upon connection) or
you can set it to ‘01’ (directly attached to the CPU). This parameter is NOT the CHPID,
NOT the ESCON Director port that the FEP-4600 is connected to, and it is NOT the
LINK parameter in the CNTLUNIT macro.
Low Address: The Low Address field represents the low end of the UNITADD range as
defined in the CNTLUNIT definition.
High Address: The High Address field represents the high end of the UNITADD range
as defined in the CNTLUNIT definition.
CU on Board: Defines which ESCON board the CU definition is for.