Visara FEP-4600 Installation User Manual

Page 28

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Chapter 3. Management Interface



Configure Server Options

Selecting the ‘Server’ option from the Configuration panel brings up another panel for
configuring the Logging policies to be used by the FEP-4600. This panel appears below.
Information on viewing the file can be found in the FEP-4600 Users Guide and
Maintenance Manual (P/N 707118-00x)
. Information on interpreting the Log File can be
found in the FEP-4600 Problem Determination Manual (P/N 707120-00x).

Configurable options on this panel include:

Display Red Status Options
Status on the FEP-4600 is displayed in a hierarchical fashion. For example on SDLC,
there is a line status to give the overall status of the line. If you drill down on the line
(click the line status) you can see the status of all of the drops on the line. Two options
are offered for when the high order status is to be displayed with the color red. You can
define red to be used either when all lower order circuits are down or when any lower
order circuits are down.