Super Systems 20PQ User Manual
Page 65

CnF. 6
- Resolution of the deviation bargraph - [C.I05]
This parameter will be available only for 25Q models when
“G.brG” [C.I01] is equal to “DEV.”.
Range: 1-2-5-10-20 or 50 = Digits per segment
- Operative set point alignment at start up
- [C.I06]
Range: ALG
= At start up the operative set point is aligned to
measured value and then it will reach the
selected set point with the programmed ramp
(“Grd1” [r.E14] and “Grd2” [r.E15]).
n.ALG = At start up the operative set point is equal to the
selected set point
1) The “ALG” selection has no effect when the measure is in
error condition.
2) If instrument shutdown has been made during program
execution, the SP.AL parameter has no effect and the
instrument behaviour is related only to the selection of St.Pr
(program restart after power failure [C.G07]) parameter.
- Set point display type - [C.I07]
This selection has effect only when the instrument operates as
Range: Fn.SP = When device is in normal display mode and it is
performing a set point ramp, the middle display
will show the final set point value.
OP.SP= When device is in normal display mode and it is
performing a set point ramp, the middle display
will show the operative set point value.
10/30/01, 9:37 AM