Super Systems 20PQ User Manual

Page 114

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The device is capable to measure and display:
- the current running in a load driven by a time proportional

control output (main or secondary programmable) when the
load is energized;

- the leakage current flowing through the load when the load is


If the instrument has been correctly set, it generates an alarm
- the current running in the load (when the load is energized) is

lower than the "A.L.Fd" [r.C14] parameter value (It shows a
partial or total break down of the load, the break down of the
actuator or a power down due to a protection or a fuse

- the leakage current (when the load is de-energized) is higher

than the "A.H.Fd" [r.C15] parameter value (It shows a short
circuit of the actuator).

The "Display function" paragraph describes how to show the two
current values.
The fault condition is shown on the lower display by the "Fd.AL"
indication ("AL" may be flashing or steady on in accordance with
acknowledge condition) and by the status of the assigned
If the ON or OFF period is lower than 120 ms, the related
measurement couldn't be performed and the instrument will
show, flashing, the last measured value.

The device can be connected to a host computer by a serial link.
The host can put the device in LOCAL (functions and param-
eters are controlled via keyboard) or in REMOTE (functions and
parameters are controlled via serial link).
The REMOTE status is signalled by the REM LED.
This instrument allows to modify the operative and configuration
parameters, via serial link.
The necessary conditions to implement this function are the
1) the serial parameters (see Run time group 7) should be

properly configured.

2) the device must be in the run time mode.
3) when it is desired to modify configuration parameter, the dip

switch V101.3 should be set to "OFF" (configuration
parameter enabled)

During configuration parameter downloading the device goes in
open loop with all output in OFF state.
At the end of configuration procedure, the device performs an
automatic reset and then returns to close loop control.


10/30/01, 9:37 AM