Super Systems 20PQ User Manual
Page 130

simple program not existing (the central display will
show the number of the not existing program).
This message will be shown when a simple program,
used in a linked program, has been deleted and a
check of the linked program is required.
The program check is automatically made when program start is
HOW TO RUN A PROGRAM (simple or linked)
The instrument must be in STAND-BY mode (the PRG LED
must be ON and the RUN LED must be OFF).
1) By MENU pushbutton select the Group P parameter
2) Push the FUNC pushbutton. The instrument will show the last
selected program.
NOTE: it is possible to reach directly the Group P program
selection parameter by pushing the RUN pushbutton.
This selection can be made from any other group and from
normal display mode.
3) By
s and t pushbuttons select the desired program number
(from 1 to 90 for simple program, above 90 the instrument
shows the linked program from L1 to L9).
NOTE: for program selection the PRG LED must be lit in
steady state. if the PRG LED is flashing, the selected
program do not exists.
4) Push the RUN pushbuttons and maintain the pressure until
the RUN LED flashes. Releasing the RUN button the program
starts and the SEG LED will be turned ON.
a) the program selection and the RUN function may be made
by logic inputs and serial link also.
b) The program selection by logic input has priority with
respect of the manual selection (by keyboard). For this
reason, if a program from 1 to 99 is selected by logic
inputs, it is impossible to run a program different from it
and at RUN pushbutton pressure (or contact closure) the
instrument will automatically jump and show the program
number selected by logic inputs.
When it is desired to run a program manually selected, it is
necessary to select by the logic inputs a number equal to 0
or higher than 99 (out of program range).
c) If the selected program do not exist, the RUN pushutton
pressure do not produces any effect.
d) Before program starting, the instrument automatically
checks all the parameters related to the selected program
and, if an error is detected, the program does not start and
10/30/01, 9:37 AM