Super Systems 20PQ User Manual
Page 51

CnF. 3
- Secondary output auxiliary conditioning
- [C.F17]
This parameter will be available only when secondary control
output is configured and “SC.Cn” ("Secondary control output
conditioning" [C.F12]) is different from “norñ”.
Range: bEFr = The functions listed at Note (**) are calculated
before to apply the action selected by “SC.Cn”
("Secondary control output conditioning"
[C.F12]) parameter.
= The functions listed at Note (**) are calculated
after to apply the action selected by “SC.Cn”
(“Secondary control output conditioning”
[C.F12]) parameter.
Note (**)
- "Secondary control output limiters" - for more details see
[r.E08] and [r.E09] parameters.
- "Secondary control output max rate of rise" (see [r.E10]).
- "Secondary control output display value" - for more details
see "Display function during programmer mode" paragraph at
pag. 106 and [C.F13], [C.F14], [C.F15] and [C.F16]
- "Threshold for alarm on control output value" - for more
details see [r.F01], [r.F05] [r.F09] and [r.F13] parameters.
- The secondary control output value displayed by bargraph.
General note about configuration group 3
Exiting from the configuration group 3 the instrument automati-
cally tests the "SPLt" parameter (Split range [C.F01]). When
"SPLt." parameter is enabled (= "Enb"), the instrument performs
the following actions:
If “Añ.UL” parameter ("Output value for AUTO to MAN
transfer [C.G04]) is lower than 0, it will be forced to “buñ“.
If the “SF.UL” parameter ("Output safety value" [C.G10]) is
lower than zero, it will be forced to zero.
If the “IP” parameter ("Integral pre-load" [r.d05] is lower than
zero, it will be forced to 50.0.
10/30/01, 9:37 AM