Super Systems 20PQ User Manual
Page 62

CnF. 5
the output programmed as "end of profile
annunciator" in ON status for a time equal to
the value assigned to "tE.Pr" [C.H12] param-
= Program in run mode annunciator (Logic level
“1” during the run mode).
= Program in wait state annunciator (Logic level
“1” when the program is in wait state)
HOld = Program in hold state annunciator (Logic level
“1” when the program is in hold state)
O.P.O.= Device in Output Power OFF state (Logic level
"1" when the instrument is in "Output Power
OFF" state)
ñ.In.E = Error condition (Over-Under-Open-Shrt) on
main input (Logic level “1” when error occurs)
Cj.Er = Error condition on CJ measurement (Logic level
“1” when error occurs)
A.In.E= Error condition (Over-Under-Open) on auxiliary
input (Logic level “1” when error occurs)
ñEA.E = Error condition on main, secondary or CJ inputs
(Logic level “1” when error occurs)
Au.ñA = Auto/manual mode annunciator (Logic level “1”
when device is in manual mode)
- Event 1 contact status - [C.H10]
This parameter will be available only when OUT 1 is configured
as event annunciator ("O1.Fn" [C.E01] is equal to “Eun.1”) or the
Event 1 is programmed as Timer event or break event.
Range: CLSd = The output is at logic level “1” when contact is
OPEn = The output is at logic level “1” when contact is
The steps C.H09 and C.H10 can be repeated for all the
selected event (from "Event 2" to "Event 4") and for the
auxiliary outputs (from "Event 10" to "Event 19").
NOTE: when the auxiliary output hardware is fitted the
parameters related with "Event 10" to "Event 19" are ever
10/30/01, 9:37 AM