Super Systems 20PQ User Manual
Page 100

Gr. 8
- Servomotor high limit positioning - [r.H04]
This parameter is available only when feedback potentiometer
calibration enabling [r.H01] is equal to On.
Range: 0.0% to 100.0%.
The middle display will show the valve position as a percentage
of the full input span.
s and t push-button it is possible to modify the valve
When the desired final position has been reached, push the
FUNC push-button.
- Feedback high limit calibration - [r.H05]
This parameter is available only when feedback potentiometer
calibration enabling [r.H01] is equal to ON.
Range: OFF = To skip adjustment and hold the previous value
select OFF and then push FUNC
= To memorize the current position as feedback
high limit calibration select “On” and then push
This procedure is now completed and the calibration values are
automatically checked.
If the adjusted feedback span is greater than 20 % of the
potentiometer input span, the instrument memorizes the new
values and comes back to the first display of the run time group
Otherwise the old calibration values will be retained and the
display will show:
It will be necessary to repeat the feedback potentiometer
adjustment procedure.
- Group 8 default data loading - [r.H6]
Range: OFF = No loading data
On = loading data
10/30/01, 9:37 AM