Super Systems 20PQ User Manual
Page 149

Proportional Band: programmable from 0.5% to 999.0% of the
input span.
Setting a PB equal to 0 the control action becomes ON/OFF.
Hysteresis (for ON/OFF control action): programmable from
0.1% to 10.0 % of the input span.
Integral time: programmable from 1 second to 20 minutes or
Derivative time: programmable from 1 second to 10 minutes or
Integral pre-load: programmable
- for one control output, from 0 to 100% of the output range.
- for two control outputs (split range excluded), from -100 % to
+100 % of the output range.
Anti reset windup: from 10 % to 200 % of the input span.
Main output cycle time: from 1 second to 200 seconds.
Secondary output cycle time: from 1 second to 200 seconds.
Relative secondary output gain: keyboard programmable from
0.20 to 2.00 referred to the proportional band.
Overlap / dead band : keyboard programmable from - 20 %
(dead band) to + 50 % (overlap) of the proportional band.
Algorithm: PID + SMART
- one control output (digital or analog output)
- one control output splitted on two outputs.
- two control outputs
NOTE: the outputs can be freely selected among analog, digital
or servo outputs.
Digital output types:
Relay, SSR or TRIAC.
Digital output action type:
Proportional time
Analog output types: 20 mA.
Servomotor output:
Two relays with interlocked contact
Servomotor output type:
- Close loop
- Open loop with valve position indication
- Open loop.
PID group: this instrument allows to set up to 5 PID group.
It is possible to assign one PID group to each program
10/30/01, 9:37 AM