Smithco Envizio Pro Installation & Operation Manual User Manual
Page 71

Manual No. 016-0171-148
Basic Operation
The Enhanced Last Pass is well suited to provide guidance for irregular swaths due to irregular field
boundaries, well heads or waterways, etc.
If the Enhanced Last Pass guidance pattern will be used with headlands, select the ‘Enable Last
Pass Headlands Mode’ option. This will allow the field computer to ignore the headlands passes
when working the field in alternating 180° swaths.
If the Last Pass guidance pattern will be used to cover the field in a rectangular pattern (outside to
inside), leave the ‘Enable Last Pass Headlands Mode’ option disabled (empty).
Straight (A-B) Line. The Straight (A-B) Line pattern is based upon two user input points to create a straight
line guidance path. The field computer then uses the programmed guidance width to create parallel
guidance paths based off of the original guidance path.
As long as the Straight Line pattern is active, the field computer will display the nearest straight line
guidance path. See the Using Guidance Patterns section on page 65 for help using the A-B guidance line
tools and features.
The Straight (A-B) Line pattern is useful for applications in fields with row crops.
Pivot. The Pivot pattern is designed for use in fields with a center pivot, or circle, irrigation system. The pivot
pattern is created using two points set by the operator on the circumference of the field or on the swath
furthest from the irrigation hub.
Using the two operator defined points and the vehicle guidance width, the field computer calculates circular
paths stepping toward the center of the field area.
As long as the Pivot pattern is active, field computer will display the nearest guidance path. The same tools
used with the Straight (A-B) Line pattern are used with the Pivot pattern. See the Using Guidance Patterns
section on page 65 for help using the A-B guidance line tools and features.
The Pivot pattern is useful for applications in fields irrigated by a center pivot or circle irrigation system.
Fixed Contour. The Fixed Contour guidance pattern allows the operator to use the same tools available for
other A-B paths with irregular swaths. A contoured path is recorded between two points set by the operator.
The Envizio Pro or Envizio Pro II field computer records points along the path to follow field features. Once
the pattern is completed, the field computer connects the recorded points and displays the Fixed Contour
path. Once the first contour is set, the field computer is able to use the programmed guidance width and the
original path to project additional contour paths for the rest of the field.
See the A-B Path Tools section on page 76 for help using the A-B guidance line tools and features with the
Fixed Contour pattern.
The Fixed Contour pattern is ideal for creating and saving swaths which follow irregular field boundaries,
waterways, well heads, etc., or where the ability to skip swaths in an irregular pattern is necessary.
Curvature of the Fixed Contour guidance path should not be too aggressive. Overly aggressive
curves may produce undesirable results.