Smithco Envizio Pro Installation & Operation Manual User Manual
Page 123

Manual No. 016-0171-148
Tools Menu
alarm or 0 to display an error any time the flow switch and pump encoder do not match. The default value for
the flow error cal alarm is 50.
The Flow Error Cal is replaced with the FER (Flow to Encoder Ratio) value when operating a
Raven Sidekick Pro™. Refer to the Sidekick Pro Installation and Operation Manual for more
information about operation with the Envizio Pro or Envizio Pro II field computers.
Dual Flow (%) Percent
When controlling a dual bed system in Gran 3 mode, the Dual Flow Percent feature may be set up on the
Alarm Settings screen. Set the dual flow percent alarm for the tolerance between belt encoder readings before
the field computer will display an alarm condition. This alarm may be used to indicate that the belts are
travelling at different rates or one belt is not moving. The out of tolerance condition must be met for at least 5
seconds before the alarm is displayed.
Enter a value of 100 to disable the dual flow percent alarm or 0 to display an error any time the belt encoders
do not match. The default value for the dual flow percent alarm is 50.
Low Pressure
The Low Pressure setting is only displayed on the Alarm Settings screen when a pressure transducer is
connected to the system and detected by the field computer and if the ‘PWM Smart Enable’ feature is selected.
Refer to the PWM Smart Control section on page 111 for more information.
Enter the minimum desired pressure in PSI [kPa] for product at the pressure transducer location. If the product
pressure falls below the programmed, the field computer will display an alert.
The product control valve will stop closing when the Low Pressure setting is reached.
Low Tank or Bin
Enter the tank or bin volume at which alarms area will activate indicating that a product is running low.
Low Limit
The Low Limit value sets the minimum volume per minute which a product will be applied. If the flow meter
drops below this setting, the field computer will display an alert.
The product control valve will stop closing when the Low Limit setting is reached.
Off Rate Percent
Enter the percentage at which the Off Rate alarm will activate. The Off Rate alarm activates when the actual
rate differs from the target rate by the programmed value for longer than five seconds.
The off rate alarm percent value will also determine the coverage mapping colors during an active job.
Current Alarms
Touch the Current Alarms button to display any current product alarms.