Accuboom™ modes – Smithco Envizio Pro Installation & Operation Manual User Manual

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Chapter 9


Envizio Pro and Envizio Pro II Installation and Operation Manual

AccuBoom™ Modes

The available modes for operating AccuBoom are:

Standard AccuBoom Mode

Spray Zone Mapping Mode

Standard AccuBoom™ Mode

In jobs using Standard AccuBoom mode, spray zone maps cannot be created or loaded. Automatic section
control is based upon the coverage map only. As boom sections enter previously applied areas, AccuBoom will
automatically turn that section Off. When the section leaves the previously applied area, AccuBoom
automatically turns the section back On.

The standard field boundary tools are used while operating in Standard AccuBoom mode. Refer to the Field
section on page 81
for information on the standard field boundary tools.

Spray zone maps cannot be loaded or created in the Standard AccuBoom mode. To use or create a spray zone
map, be sure to select the ‘Use Spray Zone Map’ option during the Start Job - Verify Settings procedure. See
the Enabling AccuBoom™ section on page 154 for help enabling spray zone maps.

Spray Zone Mapping Mode

Spray zone maps create features within a field which allow AccuBoom and the field computer to automatically
shut off or turn on product application as the machine travels through the field. The field computer may be used
to create and save AccuBoom spray zone maps fore each field in which automatic section control is desired.

Spray Zones. In areas where product application is desired, a spray zone allows AccuBoom to turn on boom
sections and the field computer to control application rates as normal.

No-Spray Zones. No-spray zones may be created and saved around any areas in which product application
should be avoided, such as waterways or around well heads. AccuBoom uses the spray zone map to control
boom sections as the machine travels through the field.

For example, as the boom crosses into a no-spray zone, AccuBoom will automatically shut off any boom
section that enters the no-spray zone while other sections remain enabled. As the sections re-enter unapplied
spray zones, AccuBoom will automatically toggle product application back on.

Field Boundaries. Field boundaries within an AccuBoom enabled job automatically create a spray zone map
based upon the completed boundary. A field boundary recorded without the AccuBoom feature enabled can be
converted to an AccuBoom field boundary later. See the Loading a Field Boundary section on page 157 for


A job file can be saved with any number of spray or no-spray zones, but a job file may only contain
a single field boundary.

Within the completed boundary, AccuBoom assigns the area as a normal spray zone. No-spray zone’s can be
recorded later to edit the area within the field boundary. AccuBoom assigns a minimum of three boom or
implement widths outside of the completed field boundary as a no-spray zone.


Do not approach nurse trucks or refilling stations while automatic section control is enabled.
Toggle the vehicle’s master switch to keep AccuBoom from turning on sections unexpectedly.

If the ‘Use Spray Zone Map’ option is not selected during the Start Job - Verify Settings process,
AccuBoom will not assign spray/no-spray zones to completed field boundaries.

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