Measurement Computing eZ-PostView rev.2.0 User Manual

Page 118

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4-40 Edit Menu





Peak Search Options:

Peak averages are evaluated by first finding a peak and then averaging the specified number of
spectral lines on either side of the peak. This section of the window is used to set the preferences
regarding peak search. Options are as follows:


Used to set the Minimum threshold value for peak searching, i.e., the lowest
value of data to be considered for the search. “Minimum is typically set
above the extraneous noise level.

Peak Width
(Spectral Lines)

Sets the eZ-Analyst to search data, according to a cursor-selected range
(band). The band takes into account the Minimum threshold value for peak
searching, if defined. The default setting for 3 spectral lines. This number
specifies the number of data bins used for peak searching. For example, “3”
indicates that the peak value will be searched at the current cursor position
and the ± 3 adjacent positions.

Sort By

Select Frequency/Time or Amplitude, as applicable to your peak search.

Pick Peak Options:

Spectral Width
(Spectral Lines)

This mode sets the system to search for a peak within the pre-defined (data
range) only when the cursor is moved, or clicked. This is a manual method.
Compare with Auto-Tracking.

Auto Tracking

Selects Cursor-1 and/or Cursor-2 to automatically search for peaks. The
feature makes use of the Spectral Width, for example: “3” indicates that the
peak value will be searched at the current cursor position and the ± 3
adjacent positions. The cursor automatically moves to the peak position
within the specified range.

Reference Note:
Cursor types include single cursor, band cursor, peak cursor, and harmonic cursor.

For detailed information refer to chapter 5,

Interactive Features of the Plot Display

