Gasboy SCII POS User Manual
Page 82

Point of Sale and Shift Change
Disk journal layout
Gasboy CFN Series
• 10 digit numbers are assumed to be UPC numbers with the UPC identifier digit left off the
beginning. This digit is significant. However, since many software packages do not follow the
Uniform Code Council guidelines, a leading wildcard character will be added to allow storage
as 11 digits.
TYPE - The type field is a single alphabetic character that describes what type of entry the code
field is. This character must be lowercase. This field must appear after the code field in order for it
to work properly. This field is not strictly necessary, since the length of the code number will be
used to determine the type of the record. It can, however be used to override the type that was
assumed during the merging of the code field.
Value Meaning
UPC entry
stock (sku) entry
department entry
MODIFIER - The modifier field contains the modifier number for the record. In Profit Point
documentation, this field may be described as the size field. (All references in this document are to
modifiers.) Possible values for this number are:
Value Meaning
0 no
modifier number for this record
The integrity of the database is preserved by not allowing an item to exist as both a modified item
and a non-modified item at the same time. Either one will completely replace the other.
Suppose an item exists with 0 as its modifier and an attempt is made to merge a new entry for the
item with a non-zero modifier. The non-zero modified item will be merged over the old item if the
merge identifier for the modifier specifies that the field shall be merged. If the merge identifier is
set to not merge, then an error is returned and the item is not merged.
Similarly, if an item exists with one or more modified entries, and a zero-modified item is merged,
the zero modified item will be merged over the first modified instance of the old item. The other
modified entries will be removed if the merge identifier for modifier specifies that the field shall be
merged. If the merge identifier is set to not merge, then an error will be returned and the item will
not be merged.
DEPT - The dept number field is the department number that this item belongs in. For UPC and
stock (sku) records this number is strictly the department number that the item is in. For
department type records, this number must match the department number listed in the code field.
This field must also be 2 numeric digits. For departments numbered below 10, a leading 0 must be
used. Valid values for this number are 01 through 99.
STOCK - The stock field (sku) contains an optional stock number to which a UPC type record can
be linked. For stock records this number must be the stock (sku) number of that record, because the
linking of stock records is not an option. If the record is a UPC and not to be linked, or if the
record is a department record, this field should contain a 0. Limits for this field are: 0- 65535.
NAME - The name field contains the alphanumeric string that is the name of the item. This field
may be up to (and including) 16 characters in length. Any printable ASCII character may be used
except ^, the field separation character.
The | pipe symbol has a special meaning. This divides the name into the form modifierstring|name.
For example, a cup of coffee with modifiers for small and large coffees would have its name entry
for a small coffee as small|coffee. This allows the Profit Point to offer the attendant a menu of the
size options when the item (in this case coffee) is chosen.