Clerk/fueler id, Attendant, Listnext – Gasboy SCII POS User Manual
Page 23

Command Syntax
Point of Sale and Shift Change
Gasboy CFN Series
The NEXTSHIFT command defaults to the POS shift change and if no arguments are entered will
prompt for the POS#. The POS specified at the prompt or from the command line will change
shifts and a report will be printed unless no reportable activity has occurred at that POS. In that
case, an empty shift message will be given and the shift won’t change. The -s option changes shift
for each console at the site and prints unique reports.
Attempting to change shift on a POS when the prior shift has not closed results in a pending close
message and the site remaining in the same shift on that POS-provided that your setup has been
configured to require a final safe drop.
After the NEXTSHFT command has changed the shift on either the system or a POS, the
LISTNEXT command runs automatically in background to generate the shift report, if the final-
safe-drop option is disabled. When a final safe drop is required to close the shift, the data needed
to generate the shift report is stored in a file, and the shift report is generated after the final safe
drop has been made using the COUNT command.
Clerk/Fueler ID
The -c option specifies a clerk report and although no shift is tracked for individual clerks, a report
will be generated on all activity of the clerk/fueler ID across the entire site to that point in the day.
If no clerk number is specified, you will be prompted.
A fueler ID can be assigned to an Island cluster using a fueler ID card or FUELER.BIN at the
After the clerk is specified, LISTNEXT is called and runs in the background to generate the report.
An attendant collects cash from customers at a full service island and charges the sale to a cash
card, (Gasboy Club card or if using the Attendant special handler GASBOY ACCESS CARD) on
an Island POS. When the attendant’s shift is over, or a cash drop is desired, the attendant will
change shift, and a slip will be printed. The slip will report the amount that attendant is responsible
for in that shift. The attendant shifts are tracked separately, and are independent from the POS and
site shifts. The attendant number is part of the account field on the club card and the number of
digits (up to 4 digits) and offset is configured using setup.
The -a option specifies an attendant shift change. A report of the attendant responsibility for that
shift will be printed and the change will be logged to the journal and the logger. The permission
level for the log event command must be set lower than that of the user who will be running
After the attendant is specified, LISTNEXT is called and runs in the background to generate the
The possible LISTNEXT arguments include a filename which is the name of a journal file in the
P:REPORTS directory. The letter j can be used as an abbreviation for journal and p may be used
as an abbreviation for previous.
LISTNEXT creates a batch file on the PC to create the report.
The CASHIER or PRATTEND command is called by PC Batch file to output the shift report to
standard out and a flat file.