Gasboy SCII POS User Manual
Page 72

Point of Sale and Shift Change
Disk journal layout
Gasboy CFN Series
Fuel never has a transaction detail record with void status: only merchandise might have void
status. A transaction detail record with void status is created on a fuel and merchandise sale or
merchandise-only sale where one or more items are voided while one or more items are purchased.
Also, a merchandise-only sale where every item is voided does not have a transaction detail record
with void status. When all merchandise items are removed from a merchandise-only transaction, a
void all items system event record is created and there are no transaction records for the sale in the
While you can add and remove fuel items from an uncompleted sale, using the void key to remove
a fuel item from an uncompleted sale does not result in a transaction fuel detail record with void
item status being created. Once fuel has been pumped, it must be accounted for, so the site does
not allow a fuel sale to be voided. All fuel sales must be completed: drive-aways are completed by
being charged to the unpaid tender account.
In other words, all fuel and fuel-and-merchandise transactions have at least one detail record with
normal item status.
Number of merchandise item records
The number of merchandise detail records following the transaction header record is contained in a
numeric field, which ranges from 0 to 99, called the number of merchandise item records this sale.
The site also tracks how many seconds it took the clerk to ring up all merchandise items for a sale.
This number ranges from 0 to 999 seconds and is called total labor time on merchandise items.
Total amount tendered
Total amount tendered is a derived field in the transaction header record. It is the net amount
tendered for the transaction and is derived from all tender detail records for the sale with normal
item status.
Total amount tendered is positive when the net amount received from the customer is positive for
all tenders. (There are three types of tender records: authorized, patronage, and legal).
The following formula is used to calculate the total amount tendered, summing the amount
tendered in all tender records for the sale minus the sum of the amount of change in all legal tender
records for the sale:
total_amount_tendered = amounts_tendered - amount_of_change
Total fuel amount
Total fuel amount is a derived field in the transaction header record. The total fuel amount is
derived from all fuel detail records for the sale with normal item status and is always a positive
The following formula is used to calculate the total fuel amount by summing the fuel amount in all
fuel records for the sale:
total_fuel_amount = fuel_amounts
Total fuel quantity
Total fuel quantity is a derived field in the transaction header record. The total fuel quantity is
derived from all fuel detail records for the sale with normal item status and is always a positive
The following formula is used to calculate the total fuel quantity by summing the fuel quantity in
all fuel records for the sale:
total_fuel_quantity = fuel_quantities