Miscellaneous journal utilities prvoid, Prboth, Prtender – Gasboy SCII POS User Manual
Page 28

Point of Sale and Shift Change
Command Syntax
Gasboy CFN Series
CONSOLE 1 ITEMS Time Shift $Amount
WITHDRAWALS 15:04 01 $100.00
BEER/WINE 15:04 01 $100.00
C-STORE3 15:04 01 $0.00
CHIPS 15:04 01 $1.59
All Items Voided 15:05 00 $0.00
All Items Voided 15:05 00 $0.00
>Subtotal for shift 1 $201.59
>>Total for Console 1 6 $201.59
CONSOLE 4 ITEMS Time Shift $Amount
Cookie 15:05 01 $0.59
Cigarette Ctn 15:06 01 $19.16
>Subtotal for shift 1 $19.75
>>Total for Console 4 2 $19.75
>Total for Shift 1 $221.34
>>Total All Voids 8 $221.34
PRVOID.BIN displays all voids found in
the journal. It lists by console and shift, and
gives totals. You can also specify which
console or shift to report on.
PRVOID [-?] [-cn] [-sn] [-p]
[-f flatfile] [infile]
Processes the journal file specified by infile
and displays items voided by console.
Displays this message.
Displays voids for console n.
Displays voids for shift n.
Processes the previous journal file.
Outputs raw data into flatfile.
PRBOTH prints sale totals by item per hour
or both.
PRBOTH [-h] [-i|u] [[-]-r] [-u][-f
flatfile] [-p] [infile]
Processes the journal file specified by infile.
Sum sales and display by hour.
Sum STOCK items and display by item.
Sum UPC items and display by item
Outputs raw data into flatfile.
Processes the previous journal file.
-r Display
Display refunds as negative.
PRTENDER.BIN creates a report similar to the site PRINT TRANSACTION command. The
report is a file in the reports directory named ptend###.rpt where ### is the tender type and/or
subtype you which to report on. For example: prtender -t2 reports all credit transaction, prtender -
t324 reports citgo red credit transactions, -t0 reports all club card transactions.
PRTENDER [-?][-tn(mm)][-en][-a(n)][-dn(-m)][-hn(-m)][-c][-p][infile]
Displays this message.
Designates which tender type n and subtype mm for report.
Displays extra account digit from offset n into discretionary data.
Displays Aux Tran sequential numbers for all tenders.
Date n to m.
Hour n to m.
Displays Clerk number.
Processes previous journal file.
Journal file to process. Defaults to /journal.log.