Gasboy SCII POS User Manual
Page 41

Report file formats
Point of Sale and Shift Change
Gasboy CFN Series
Offroad tax
The offroad tax record is identified by ORT. Following the record identifier are the:
• 4-digit number of sales, and
• 10-digit dollar amount of offroad tax.
For example, if the total offroad tax for 5 sales is $7.58, then the offroad tax record is:
Net sales tax
The net sales tax record is identified by TAX. Following the record identifier are the:
• 4-digit number of sales, and
• 10-digit dollar amount of net sales tax.
For example, if the total net sales tax for 15 sales is $5.27, then the sales tax record is:
Total net sales
The total net sales record is identified by TNS. Following the record identifier is the dollar amount
of the total net sales, which is the sum of all fuel and merchandise sales, including the sales tax
collected, minus the total sales adjustments.
For example if the total net sales is $164.13, then the total net sales record is:
Individual tenders
The individual tenders are identified by SYT. Following the record identifier are the:
• 3-digit tender (a single-digit tender type and a 2-digit tender subtype)
• 4-digit number of sales for that tender, and
• 10-digit total dollar amount of those sales.
For example, if a total of $99.04 in tender type 4, subtype 00, for 13 sales was received, then the
tender record is:
Inside tenders
The inside tenders are identified by STI. Following the record identifier are the:
• 3-digit tender (a single-digit tender type and a 2-digit tender subtype)
• 4-digit number of sales for that tender, and
• 10-digit total dollar amount of those inside sales.
For example, if a total of $46.39 in tender type 3, subtype 06, for 4 sales was received inside, then
the inside tender record is: