Disk journal layout, General comments, Records – Gasboy SCII POS User Manual
Page 62

Gasboy CFN Series
Disk journal layout
The disk journal is a repository of information that is used by the standard reporting package to
compile reports. The disk journal’s information is kept in records within JOURNAL files.
• The disk journal for the current day is in the root directory in a file whose default name is
JOURNAL.LOG (you can change that name if necessary).
• The disk journals for the previous ten days are in the REPORTS subdirectory in files named
JOURNAL.#, where # is a number, 1-10.
There are two types of records in the disk journal: transaction and event.
• Transaction records contain information on sale transactions: any time fuel or merchandise is
sold, transaction records are created.
• Event records contain information on any action that is not a sale-for example, a shift change
or a fuel delivery.
Records are separated by a carriage-return (CR) and a linefeed (LF). (Each of the fields in each
type of record is listed and briefly explained later in this chapter.)
Transaction records
There are two types of transaction records: header and detail.
• For each sale transaction there is one transaction header record.
• One or more transaction detail records follow each transaction header record. There are
several types of detail records:
• There is one tender-detail record per sale (authorized tender, legal tender, or legal
• Only one fuel record per sale is generated (assuming there is fuel in the sale).
• Each separate merchandise item in a sale has its own transaction detail record.
• Transaction detail records may come in any order following the transaction header record.
Event records
There are two types of event records: system events and general purpose events. System events,
such as safe drops and entering training mode, are recorded automatically through the system,
sometimes by a cron. General purpose events are usually recorded by a manager using the
LOGEVENT command to manually enter data, such as merchandise delivery, into the disk journal.
• The event type for system events is a 3-digit code for specified system activities, such as clerk
sign-on, settlement complete, or ac power fail: and there is no text entry for system events.
• The event type for general purpose events is always 000, and there is a text entry of up to 221
characters in length to contain the data entered via the LOGEVENT command.