Package configuration, Diagnostics – Gasboy SCII POS User Manual
Page 10

Point of Sale and Shift Change
Installation and Diagnostics
Gasboy CFN Series
The SETUP command is used to set configuration variables-the number of days to maintain
previous log files, where and how many copies of each report to print, plus final safedrop
For attendant the number digits, offset, whether to use the clerk number as the attendant number,
the tender to report on, optional second tender, and if to display tax.
SETUP works like SYS_PAR, displaying the configuration variables, allowing you to individually
change a configuration variable, displaying the changes, and saving the changes made only if you
elect to save them.
Run SETUP only after installation, and run it from the R* or A* prompt. After running the SETUP
command, you do not have to reboot for the changes to be effective.
SETUP -P will print the current configuration to the screen.
The VARIABLE command is used to list shift variables for each POS.
For each POS, a Y or N is used to indicate the status of pending closes for the prior shift. The
shift number remains at 0 during a shift until the clerk performs a reportable event.
The version of the reporting package contained in VERSION.VAR in the P:REPORTS
directory is displayed in parentheses on the first line.
The Unique shift #’s for every console parameter on page 9 of SYS_PAR is listed, with a N
for No and a Y for Yes.
The final drop is listed, with a Y for final drop required and N for no final safe drop allowed.
The file extension used for the current and previous days shift and end-of-day reports is listed
along with the number of days of previous log files to keep on line and the printer to print the
end-of-day report on.
The Initial Drawer Balance is shown, a CF will show if set to carry forward Drawer Balance.
The number of copies configured to print on the logger or receipt printer will be shown for
each type of report.
Attendant Status will be shown if there is any activity.
The -L option is used with the variable command to display the status of the variables every 5
seconds until a
is entered.
The syntax for using the variable command is: