Baby Lock ProStitcher Version 14.04.0051 (BLPS3) Instruction and Reference Guide User Manual
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3.12 | Installation
Pro-Stitcher User Manual
8. Once again verify that the y-axis gear engages the
blue Flexirack for the y-axis.
• Do this by looking from the back of the machine
between the bottom of the quilting machine and
the top of the carriage. If necessary, use the man-
ual engagement/disengagement tool to move the
gears so they engage.
• If horizontal adjustment is needed to ensure that
at least half the white gear and blue Flexirack are
interlocking, loosen the two screws that mount
the y-axis bracket to the base plates and push the
bracket in the direction necessary while retighten-
ing the screws.
IMPORTANT: If necessary, use the manual
engagement/disengagement tool to move the
gears so they engage. Insert the end of the tool
into the hole at the front of the EZ Carriage.
9. With the power cable unplugged and the motors in the engaged position (use the manual
engagement/disengagement tool if necessary), ensure that as the quilting machine is moved in both
the X and the Y directions, the corresponding gears are rotating as well.