Switch on/switch off behaviour, 4function description, 5 switch on/switch off behaviour – Pilz PMCprotego D.72/000/0/0/2/208-480VAC User Manual
Page 88

Switch on/switch off behaviour
Function Description
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany
Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected]
Switch on/switch off behaviour
Switch on/switch off behaviour
This section describes the behaviour of the servo amplifier when switch-
ing on and off. It explains the measures that are required to achieve
compliance with the standards when a stop or E-STOP is performed
during operation.
*) please refer also to the ASCII object reference in the commissioning
software's online help
Behaviour during a power failure
The servo amplifier detects the failure of one or more input phases.
The behaviour of the servo amplifier is set using the commissioning soft-
ware: In the “Basic Setup” window, under “Response to Loss of Input
Phase”, select (PMODE):
A warning appears if the higher level control system is intended to
bring the drive to a standstill:
A message indicates that an input phase is missing (message “n05”)
and the motor current is limited to 4 A. The servo amplifier is not
switched off. The higher level control system can now either end the
current cycle specifically or bring the drive to a standstill. The error
message “NETZ-BTB, F16”, for example, is sent to a digital output on
the servo amplifier and is evaluated by the control system.
An error message appears if the servo amplifier is intended to bring
the drive to a standstill:
A missing input phase is registered as an error (error message “F-
19”). The servo amplifier is switched off; the BTB relay contact for op-
erational readiness opens. If the factory default setting is unchanged
The servo amplifier's 24 VDC supply must be maintained even
after a stop or emergency stop.
The parameters ACTFAULT (reaction to fault) and STOPMODE
(reaction to ENABLE signal) define how the drive behaves when
it is switched off.
Motor runs down in an uncontrolled
1 (default)
Motor is braked in a controlled man-