9appendix, 1 glossary – Pilz PMCprotego D.72/000/0/0/2/208-480VAC User Manual
Page 202

Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany
Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected]
Inverted rectifier
Output stage of the power element of the servo amplifier; a sinusoidal out-
put voltage is generated as an average value through pulse width modula-
tion (PWM) of the DC voltage on the intermediate circuit.
Limit switch
Switch that limits the machine's travel; designed as a N/C contact
Mains filter
Device for diverting interference on the power supply lines to the PE
Motion block
Data package containing all the position control parameters required for a
motion task.
Multi-axis systems
Machines with several independent drive axes, which are interconnected
via the intermediate circuit
Network configurations
Classification of supply voltage types with respect to earthing. IEC 60364
distinguishes between three earthing arrangements: TN, TT and IT.
P controller
Control loop with proportional action
PI controller
Control loop with proportional and integral action
Position controller
Regulates the difference between the positional setpoint and the actual po-
sition to 0, output: Speed setpoint.
Power element
Converts the fixed voltage and frequency of the mains into a variable volt-
age and frequency for driving an electric motor. This means that the rota-
tional speed and torque are infinitely variable. The power element consists
of a rectifier, intermediate circuit and inverted rectifier (output stage).
Pulse output of brake chopper Maximum power that can be converted within the brake resistor.
Pulse width modulation
Procedure in the drive technology sector. A three-phase, sinusoidal voltage
is generated from a DC voltage (on the servo amplifier, from the DC voltage
on the intermediate circuit). Periodically switching an identical magnitude
on and off creates an output magnitude of any desired frequency and am-
plitude, based on the duty cycle. What's relevant here is the average value
of the output magnitude.
Rotary encoder which establishes the absolute position of the motor shaft
within a motor rotation. Application: To determine the rotor position for mo-
tor control with synchronous motors, speed control, positioning.
Name given to incremental rotary encoders made by Heidenhain; common-
ly used in Germany as a synonym for this technology.
SD card
Standard for Flash memory cards (SD = Secure Digital)
Servo amplifiers
Converter for servo motors, enabling controlled operation of three-phase
motors for dynamic movements (closed loop).