4function description, 3 control element – Pilz PMCprotego D.72/000/0/0/2/208-480VAC User Manual
Page 48

Control element
Function Description
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany
Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected]
Parameter setting:
Select whether you wish to use it as an input or output in the PDrive
commissioning software (“Digital I/O” window).
Safety function STO, digital inputs STO1-ENABLE (X4/7), STO2-EN-
ABLE (X4/5)
The two digital inputs STO1-ENABLE (1st shutdown route) and STO2-
ENABLE (2nd shutdown route) are used to shut down the inverted rec-
tifier safely.
Functions when operated without a safety card:
The digital inputs STO1-ENABLE and STO2-ENABLE enable the in-
verted rectifier on the servo amplifier.
Single or dual-channel activation of the safety function STO is possi-
The servo amplifier is ready for operation when there is a 24 V signal
at the inputs.
If the STO1-ENABLE and/or STO2-ENABLE input is open, no more
power is transferred to the motor. The drive becomes torque-free and
runs down.
In conjunction with the output from a safety relay or safety control
system, you can safely prevent the drive from restarting.
Requirements of the outputs on a safety control system or safety re-
– Single-channel activation of STO without feedback: PL d (Cat. 2) of
EN ISO 13849-1, SIL CL 2 of EN/IEC 62061
– Dual-channel activation of STO with feedback: PL e (Cat. 4) of
EN ISO 13849-1, SIL CL 3 of EN/IEC 62061
If the safety function STO is not needed, STO1-ENABLE and STO2-
ENABLE must be connected directly to 24 V.
This input is not compatible with IEC 61131-2.
Volt-free, reference earth is XGND
The inputs are active high or low, depending on the selected