H. caution, Caution – GMC 2003 Savana User Manual

Page 69

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To remo\/e the child rBstrainl, Just unbuckle the vchide’s
saietv bett and let It go back all the way. The safety
belt will move Ireely again and be ready to work for an
adult or larger child passenger

II you were using a rear-lacing child restraint in a

vehicle with an air bag off switch, turn on the nghl front

passertger's air bag when you remove (he rear-tacing
child restraint frorri the vehicEg unless the petson
who wilt be sitting there is a member of a passanger sir
bag risk group. See Air Bag Off Swiich on psge 1-70.



If the rigbl Front passenger's air bag Is turned
off for a person who isn't In a risk group
identified by the national govern™nt^ that
person won't have (he extra protection oi an
air bag. tn a crash, the air bag wouldn't be able

to inflate and help protect the person sitting
there. Don't turn off the passenger's air bag
unless the person sitting there is in s risk
group. Se* '"Aif Bag Off Switch" in the Index
for more on this, Encluding important safety

