Playing a compact disc – GMC 2003 Savana User Manual

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if ari error appears on The display, see "Compact Disc
Messages" fatar in tills seclton.

LOAD CO ^ : Press the LOAD side oF this button to
toad CDs into the compact disc player. This compact
disc pjayer will hold up Ic sfx discs.

To insert one disc, do the following:

1. Turn the ignilfon on.


Press and release the LOAD side of the LOAD CD


3. Wait for ihe light, located to the ii^ht of the slot, to

lum green^

4. Load


disc. Insert Ihe disc partway Into the slot,

label side jp. The player will pull the disc in.

When a disc ts insartad, the CD symbol wifi be
displayed. If you select an equalization setting For your
disc, il will be acliuated each time you play



IF Ihe radio is on or off, (he disc will begin to play


To Insert mjitipte discs^ do flie following:

1 Turn the ignition on.

2 Press and hofd the LOAD side of the LOAD CD

button for two seconds.

You will hear a beep and Ihc lighL locaied lo the

right □! the slot, will begin to Nash and LOAD
ALL will appear on the display.

Playing a Compact Disc

3. Once the light stops flashing and turns green, load

a disc. Insert ihe disc partway into the slot,, label
side up. The player will pull the disc In.

Once the disc is loaded, the light will begin tlashing
again. Once ths light stops flashing and turns
green you can load another disc. The disc ptayer
fakes up to six discs. Da not try lo load more
than six.

To load more than one disc but less than si*, cúmplete

Steps 1

through 3, When you have finisFied loading

discs, with the radio on or aff, press the LOAD side of
lha LOAD CD button to cancel the loading function. Tho
radio will begin to play the last CD loaded.

When a disc is inserted, the CD syrnboi will be
displayed. If more than one disc has been loaded, a
number for each disc wül be displayed, ii you select an
equalization Setting for your disc, it will he activated
each tíme you play a disc.

It Ihe radio is on or off, Ihe last disc loaded will begin to

play automatically.

As each new tracX starts to play, the track number will
appear on ibe display.
