Using rds, Finding a pty station – GMC 2003 Savana User Manual
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Using RDS
Your ^udici syslern is equippsd with
Radio Dgtg
System (RDS). RDS foalurs^ are available for use only
on FM sraiions lhat broadcast FDS information.
» Seek
stations broadcasting tha selected type of
* receive announcemenis concerning local and
national emergencies.
* display messages I ram radio stations, and
% seek to stations iwiiti tra№c annouocemenis.
This system relies upon rececving specific inforTnatlon
from ihese stations and will only work when Ihe
information is available. In rare cases, a radio station
may broadcast incomact intormabon that will cause
the radio features to work Improperly, li this happens,
oofUaci the radio station.
While you are TUf^ed lo an RDS stalion, the slalion
name or the call letters will appear on the display instead
of the irequency, FDS s la lions may also provide the
time of day, a program type (PTY) lor currenl
programming and Ihe name of the program being
Finding a PTY Station
To select and find a desired PTV perform ihe folfowirtg:
1 Turn ihe P-TYPE LIST knob. TYPE and a PTY
wiH appear on the display,
2. Select a category by turning ihe P-TVPE
LIST кгнзЬ.
3- Once the desired category is displayad, pross ihe
SEEK TYPE button or one of Ihe SEEK arrows lo
take you to the category's flrsl stahon*
4. II you want to go lo another siatiun wilhin Ihal
category and the category is displayed, press
the SEEK TYPE button once If the category is not
displayed, press the SEEK TYPE bution twice
to display the category and then to go to another
If the radio cannot find ihg desired program type, NOME
will appear on (he display and the radio will return to
Ihe last alalion you 'weea listening to