Juniper Systems JS600 User Manual

Page 82

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Page 7-22 PolyTools Program

Receiving Files From the FieldBook

Files and data can also be transferred from the FieldBook to the computer. For example, you
can key in data in the field and later transfer it to the computer for analysis and report genera-
tion. You can use PolyTools on the computer to receive the data files.

Setting up the Computer to Receive Information
Once you have set up the communication parameters and verified that the FieldBook and
computer are communicating with each other (as outlined in the preceding pages), select the
Rcv from FldBook submenu option from the Transfers Files menu. The following screen is

Enter a filename in which the information received from the FieldBook will be saved.
PolyTools automatically enters a file extension .DAT for this filename. You can overwrite this
extension if desired. Press and the following message is displayed on the screen:

“Hit any key to start transmission...”

Strike any key. The computer is now ready to receive information from the FieldBook.

Setting up the FieldBook to Send Information
To set up the FieldBook to send information to the computer, turn the FieldBook on and select
Mode 2, Transmitting Operations. Select the type of file to send to the computer (refer to Section 3,
Operating System, Operating Modes, Mode 2: Receiving
and Section 5, Sending and Receiving Data
for more information).

The FieldBook asks you for a filename. Key in the filename (a file extension is not used)
or use the right or left arrow keys to scroll through a list of files and select the desired file.

Starting the Upload Operation
Press then on the FieldBook to begin transmission to the
computer. If the View Transfer option is on, the information being transmitted is displayed line
by line in the message box on the computer. When the transfer is complete, the following
message is displayed on the computer:

“Transmission COMPLETED; any key to continue...”

Check the file directory on the computer to ensure that transmission has occurred. If the file
was not received, double check the communication parameters on both the computer and
FieldBook and make sure the cable is connected to the correct ports.

Enter Filename: .DAT