Introduction – Juniper Systems JS600 User Manual

Page 63

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PolyTools Program Page 7-3


PolyTools is an integrated application development program for JS 600 FieldBooks
designed to simplify the creation and editing of Polycode programs. It is included on the
Utility Software disk.

PolyTools, a menu driven program, assists you in performing the following functions:

❏ Creating new programs on a PC that can be used with the FieldBook.

❏ Editing existing FieldBook programs.

❏ Examining programs for syntax errors.

❏ Transferring files and data between a FieldBook and


❏ Accessing DOS commands from within PolyTools.

Installing PolyTools on the Computer

Hardware Requirements
PolyTools is written specifically for DOS-based computers, versions 2.10 or greater. The
program requires a minimum of 350 K of free memory space. Optimum performance is ob-
tained by running PolyTools from a hard disk. If a hard disk is not available, the
program can also be run from a 3-1/2 or 5-l/4 inch disk drive.

Installation Program
The following files are included on the Utility Software disk:


Program to install PolyTools on a PC hard disk


Archived files required for the installation of PolyTools


Configuration file required for the installation program

To install PolyTools on a PC, follow these steps:

1) Place the Utility Software disk into a floppy disk drive (A: or B:).

2) Change to the floppy disk drive letter.

3) At the DOS prompt, type INSTALL and press .

4) As instructed, enter the hard disk drive letter where PolyTools is to be installed and the
desired path. The default drive and path is C:\PT.

5) Press to start the installation procedure.

Executing PolyTools
To execute PolyTools, type at the DOS prompt and press . After the program has
finished loading, the license, serial number, and copyright is displayed on the screen. At the
computer prompt, respond by striking any key to continue.