Juniper Systems JS600 User Manual
Page 29

Operating System Page 3-13
Mode 3: Load
The Load Mode has three submodes: Mode 3-1 Load Serial Data (LOAD SER DATA), Mode
3-2 Load Serial File (LOAD SER FILE), and Mode 3-3 Load Serial Memory (LOAD SER
Mode 3-1 Load Serial Data
The Load Serial Data submode is used to load data from another computer or FieldBook into
the FieldBook via the RS-232C port. Instructions for using Mode 3-1 follow.
Keyboard Entry
Next Message Shown
Enter a 3 for LOAD SER Mode.
LOAD SER 1,2,3
Enter a 1 for submode DATA.
Enter the filename the data is to be loaded to
or select the name using the right or left
arrow key.
“L 1 P 1” indicate the current line and page
L 1 P 1
numbers. Data are loaded beginning at the
current line and page. Use the up and down
arrow keys to change the current page and
line number if desired.
To initiate loading, press
across the screen as they are loaded.
Guide to Loading Serial Data
❏ Before you load data into the FieldBook, you must set the FieldBook up to receive
information. Refer to Section 5, Communications, for details.
❏ You must create a data file in the FieldBook before you can load the data.
❏ The input file must conform to one of the following formats:
- Column leader length and data format match the format of the destination file exactly
- Data fields are formatted to match destination file and are separated by commas;
null fields may be included
❏ Column prompts or headings cannot be included in the source file.
❏ The end-of-line may be denoted by a carriage return or an input line terminator.
❏ The line length in the input file may exceed the maximum input line length, but the
FieldBook ignores any characters in the transmitted lines which exceed the value set as the
maximum line length.