Juniper Systems JS600 User Manual

Page 24

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Page 3-8 Operating System

Keyboard Entry

Next Message Shown


Leader Value


You are now asked to set up the format,

or just

C 2:N6

column heading, and column leader for

to accept

column 2, and so forth, just like you did for

the default value

column 1, until all the columns are set up.

Guide to Formatting Files
❏ You must set up a format file before you can set up a data file.
❏ You cannot use the same name for a format file and a data file. However, you can use an

extension, i.e. LOG.DAT could be the data filename, and LOG.FMT the format filename.

❏ After you have created a format file, you can edit the column formats, leaders, and

prompts. You cannot change the number of columns or the number of lines per page.

❏ After you have created a data file that uses a format file, you can change only the column

leaders and prompts.

❏ To combine the same kind of data gathered by several FieldBooks, have each user record

data using the same format.

❏ The same format file can be assigned to different data files.

Mode 1-3, Edit Program File
The Edit Program File submode is used to create a new program file or edit an existing
program file. You can key a Polycode program directly into the FieldBook using Mode 1-3
or create the program using PolyTools or a text editor on a desktop computer and transfer
it to the FieldBook via the RS-232 port (refer to Section 6: Programming the FieldBook and
Section 7: PolyTools for details). Instructions for using Mode 1-3 follow.

Keyboard Entry

Next Message Shown



Enter a 1 for EDIT Mode.


EDIT 1,2,3

Enter a 3 for submode PGM.




Enter a new filename or select an existing


name using the right or left arrow key.