Juniper Systems JS600 User Manual

Page 58

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Page 5-16 Sending and Receiving Information

The FieldBook can also store values in a data file if the incoming data fields are delimited by
commas. For example, suppose your data file was formatted for four columns having the
formats N5.2, A4, N4, and N6.1. Assume you want to preload data into column two only.
Your computer file could look something like the following:


The comma following the values is the delimeter for the end of the data to be loaded into the
second column of the FieldBook data file. Note that the third line of data, MUX, did not fill
the A4 field. The FieldBook will store the value MUX without any trailing blanks. If the
comma was omitted, the four character field MUX_ would be stored, where _ indicates a

The leading comma causes the FieldBook to skip column 1 and load the alphabetic
characters in column 2. Since the carriage return received next signifies the end-of-line, the
FieldBook increments the line pointer without writing anything into columns 3 or 4.
Columns that are skipped are omitted in the file, not zeroed out. Thus, if you loaded the
above file into a file all ready containing data, the old values in columns 1, 3, and 4 would

Operating Mode 3-1
After you are sure that the FieldBook and the other device are communicating properly,
enter Mode 3-1 on the FieldBook. The following screen is displayed:


Enter the filename the data is to be loaded to or


select the name using the right or left arrow key.


“L 1 P 1” indicate the current line and page

L 1 P 1

numbers. Data are loaded beginning at the current
line and page. Use the up and down arrow keys to
change the current page and line number if desired.

The FieldBook is now ready to receive a file. To initiate loading, press the appropriate keys
required by the transmitting device. Each line of data scrolls across the FieldBook's display
as it is being loaded.

For more information, refer to Section 3, Operating System, Operating Modes, Mode 3-1: Load
Serial Data
for more details on using Mode 3-1.