Using the recovery cd, Introduction, Materials required – CTL Lx-Lite VoiceSupport User Manual

Page 186: Recovery procedure

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Using the Recovery CD


VoiceSupport LX System Guide

Chapter 6 Maintenance

Using the Recovery CD


In the event of a major problem, such as a hard drive failure, this procedure will
enable you to restore the Voice Mail system to its factory default settings using the
Recovery CD that was shipped with your unit. If you have performed a recent
archive of your Voice Mail system files, you can also restore most of the system
settings to their latest configuration.


The following items are needed in order to restore your site to its original

The VoiceSupport LX Recovery CD. This disk will re-install the Operating
System and Voice Mail application software, and will set all system
parameters to their factory default values.

A copy of your recently archived Voice Mail system files.

A VGA monitor and keyboard


To recover the factory default configuration:

1) Connect a VGA monitor and keyboard to the VoiceSupport LX unit.

2) Power on the unit and insert the VoiceSupport LX Recovery Disk into the CD-

ROM drive.

3) Cycle the VoiceSupport unit’s power switch to Off and then On. The system will

begin to boot-up from the CD-ROM.

4) When bootup is complete, (about one minute), the following prompt will appear:

RescueCD login:

5) Enter root. The following prompt is displayed:

Target for install is (/dev/hda) ok?

6) Enter y. The following prompt is displayed:

Logout? or to continue with build

7) Enter Yes. The following prompt is displayed:

Would you like to start cdrom Voice-Mail HD/CF build


8) Enter y.

The recovery process will begin and takes about 5 minutes to complete. If the
screen blacks out during recovery, and you want to view the progress, press the left
Shift key.

9) When the recovery process is complete, the following prompt is displayed.

Will this install need to use DHCP for IP y/n?

10) If a DHCP server was used to assign the IP address to the VoiceSupport unit,

enter y and follow the prompts. To restore the IP address to the factory default,
enter n.