Scheduling automatic database backup – CTL Lx-Lite VoiceSupport User Manual
Page 184

Scheduling Automatic Database Backup
VoiceSupport LX System Guide
Chapter 6 Maintenance
4) Click on the Sched tab. The following screen is displayed:
5) Select the day and time that you want the backup to occur. For daily backups,
select All.
6) Activate the automatic backup by selecting Yes.
7) Click the Backup Schedule hyperlink. To create a second schedule, click the
hyperlink for Schedule 2 and repeat steps 3 through 7.
Note - All previously backed up data is erased from the folder before the new data
is backed up. Only the most recently backed up data files are in the folder. If you
want to save older backed up files, you must archive them to another location.
To deactivate the automatic backup:
1) Select Network Backup from the Tools section of the main menu.
2) Click the hyperlink for Schedule 1 or Schedule 2.
3) Click the Sched tab.
4) Select No for the Active field.
To manually cause a backup:
1) Select Network Backup from the Tools section of the main menu.
2) Click the hyperlink for Schedule 1 or Schedule 2.
3) Click the Start Now button. The Network Status will indicate that date and time of
the backup.