Ontents – Rockwell Automation DeviceNet Communications Module User Manual

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Chapter 1

1.1 DeviceNet Module Features .......................................... 1-1
1.2 Related Documentation ................................................. 1-2
1.3 Conventions Used in This Manual ................................. 1-3
1.4 Getting Assistance from Reliance Electric..................... 1-3

Chapter 2

Getting Started
2.1 DeviceNet Module Components .................................... 2-1
2.2 Required Equipment ...................................................... 2-2
2.3 Installation Checklist ...................................................... 2-3

Chapter 3

Installing the DeviceNet Module
3.1 Preparing for an Installation........................................... 3-1
3.2 Commissioning the Module ........................................... 3-1
3.3 Connecting the Module to the Network.......................... 3-4
3.4 Connecting the Module to the Drive .............................. 3-5
3.5 Applying Power.............................................................. 3-7

Chapter 4

Configuring the DeviceNet Module
4.1 Configuration Tools........................................................ 4-1
4.2 Using the LCD OIM to Configure the Module ................ 4-2
4.3 Using RSNetWorx for DeviceNet ................................... 4-2

4.3.1 Setting Up RSLinx for RSNetWorx for DeviceNet 4-2
4.3.2 Going Online with RSNetWorx for DeviceNet ..... 4-4
4.3.3 Creating an Electronic Data Sheet (EDS) File..... 4-5
4.3.4 Accessing and Editing Parameters...................... 4-6

4.4 Setting the Node Address.............................................. 4-7
4.5 Setting the Data Rate .................................................... 4-7
4.6 Setting the I/O Configuration ......................................... 4-8
4.7 Selecting COS, Cyclic, or Polled I/O.............................. 4-8

4.7.1 Using COS (Change of State) Data Exchange.... 4-9

4.8 Setting a Fault Action................................................... 4-10

4.8.1 Setting the Fault Configuration Parameters ...... 4-11

4.9 Resetting the Module................................................... 4-12
4.10 Viewing the Module Configuration ............................... 4-13

Chapter 5

Configuring the Scanner
5.1 Configuring a Simple Network: An Example.................. 5-1
5.2 Setting Up the Scan List ................................................ 5-2
5.3 Mapping the Drive Data in the Scanner......................... 5-5

5.3.1 Mapping the Input I/O .......................................... 5-5