Rockwell Automation DeviceNet Communications Module User Manual
Page 139
producer/consumer network - On producer/consumer networks,
packets are identified by content rather than an explicit destination.
If a node needs the packet, it will accept the identifier and consume
the packet. The source therefore sends a packet once and all the
nodes consume the same packet if they need it. Data is produced
once, regardless of the number of consumers. Also, better
synchronization than Master-Slave networks is possible because
data arrives at each node at the same time
reference/feedback - Used to send a reference (for example,
speed, frequency, torque) to the product. It consists of one word of
input to the module from the network. The size of the word (either a
16-bit word or 32-bit word) is determined by the drive.
Feedback is used to monitor the speed of a product. It consists of
one word of output from the module to the network. The size of the
word (either a 16-bit word or 32-bit word) is determined by the drive.
RSNetWorx for DeviceNet - A software tool for configuring and
monitoring DeviceNet networks and connected devices. It is a 32-bit
Windows application that runs on Windows 95, Windows 98, and
Windows NT. Information about RSNetWorx for DeviceNet software
can be found at
scanner - A separate module (of a multi-module controller) or a
built-in component (of a single-module controller) that provides
communication with modules connected to a network.
See also
UCMM (UnConnected Message Manager) - Provides a method to
create connections between DeviceNet devices.
VS Utilities software - A software tool for monitoring and
configuring Reliance Electric products and modules. VS Utilities can
be used to configure the EtherNet/IP module and SP600 drives.
zero data - When communications are disrupted (for example, a
cable is disconnected), the module and drive can respond with zero
data. Zero data results in the drive receiving zero as values for
command data. If the drive was running and using the reference
from the module, it will stay running but at zero reference.