Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Historian Classic User Guide User Manual

Page 74

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Chapter 4 Analyzing FactoryTalk Historian Classic Data

1. Click the chart in the report work area and select View >

Properties from the main menu. The Configure Time-Series

Report Object dialog box will appear again.

2. First, let’s remove the analysis tool that we added before. We

will not need it for this example. Select the FactoryTalk
Historian Classic Demo – Flow Rate reporting tag that has the
mean analysis tool added to it and click the < button to
remove it from the Reporting Tags Selected list. You should
still have a single instance of the FactoryTalk Historian Classic
Demo – Flow Rate reporting tag in the Reporting Tags

3. Click the Axis tab to display the Time-series Axis dialog box.

This dialog box allows you to control the X- and Y-axis for the
time-series chart.

4. At the bottom of the dialog box, click the Add Axis button to

create a second Y-axis for the chart. The second Y-axis (Y2)
will appear as a second row in the Y-axis table at the bottom of
this dialog box.


Rockwell Automation Publication HIST-UM001K-EN-E-June 2014