Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Historian Classic User Guide User Manual
Page 26

Chapter 3 Collecting FactoryTalk Historian Classic Data
1. The report data source is the database table or view where the
data will be stored. FactoryTalk Historian Classic is capable of
logging data to the FactoryTalk Historian Classic Data Point
Default report data source (the RSDataPointSample table in
the RSBizWare database), the FactoryTalk Historian Classic
Data Point Compressed report data source (the
RSSQL_CMPCOMPRESS table in the RSBizWare
database), or to any other database table or view that your
organization identifies as supporting the required time-series
data model (Advanced option). For this tutorial, accept the
default Historian Data Point Default option.
For more information about creating additional report data
sources, refer to "Analyzing Non-RSBizWare Data (page 110)".
2. Now you must specify the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager
configuration that will be used to support data collection. The
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Configuration list contains
the configurations that have been associated with FactoryTalk
Historian Classic for the server to which you are connected. If
we had selected a compression report data source in the
previous step, only FactoryTalk Transaction Manager
Rockwell Automation Publication HIST-UM001K-EN-E-June 2014