Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Historian Classic User Guide User Manual

Page 118

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Chapter 6 Advanced Reporting Topics

1. Highlight the column names that you want to make available

to the user and click the Add (>) button to move the column
names to the Columns in Report Data Source list.

2. Columns that have been added to the Columns in Report

Data Source list can be renamed so the names are more

meaningful to users. To rename a column, select the column
name in the list and click the Rename button. The name is

highlighted to indicate that it is ready to be changed. Type the
new name for the column and press the Enter key on your
keyboard to accept the changes.

3. Now, let’s add a derived field to the report data source. A

derived field is a calculated value that is obtained from an
expression that you provide. For example, if your table has
fields A, B, and C, you could create a derived field called D
that contains the value calculated from the expression
((A-B)/C * 100). To add a derived field to your report data
source, click the Derived Field button and select Add
Derived Field
from the shortcut menu to display the dialog

box shown below.


Rockwell Automation Publication HIST-UM001K-EN-E-June 2014