Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Historian Classic User Guide User Manual

Page 46

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Chapter 4 Analyzing FactoryTalk Historian Classic Data

Click Yes to accept the default user name and server.
Click No to connect to a different server and display the login

dialog box where you provide the credentials and the server
that you want to use to author the report object.
For this tutorial, click Yes to accept the default user name and
server. The RSBizWare Report Object Properties dialog box


3. Use this dialog box to select the report object that you want to

insert in your report.



Report Data Source The list of report data sources from which the data will be

shown in the report object and to which you have been
granted permissions.

Report Object

The list of available report objects, grouped by the report
data source from which they get their data. When you
select a report data source, the list of report objects is

refreshed to show only the report objects that are based on
the selected report data source


Rockwell Automation Publication HIST-UM001K-EN-E-June 2014