Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Historian Classic User Guide User Manual

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Chapter 3 Collecting FactoryTalk Historian Classic Data

This dialog may look different depending on the type of
control connector that you selected. This dialog allows you to
add data points to the Control Connector and set their

3. If you were creating new tags from a running FactoryTalk

Transaction Manager configuration, you would select them by
selecting a category of tags from the Folders tree, selecting the
actual tags from the Contents of ‘/” list, clicking the Add
Selected Tag(s) button, and clicking the Apply button. For
now, click Close to exit the dialog and return to the Select

FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Data Points dialog.

4. Highlight the data points for which you want to collect data.

For this tutorial, select the BEND_Breakdown data point
(unscheduled) and the BEND_BreakdownCode data point
(scheduled). Click Select to return to the From FactoryTalk

Transaction Manager to FactoryTalk Historian Classic
Reporting Tags step of the Time-Series Data Collection


Rockwell Automation Publication HIST-UM001K-EN-E-June 2014