8 configuring the receiver – JUMO 902931 Wtrans Receiver with Wireless Data Transmission Operating Manual User Manual

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8 Configuring the receiver



Assignment of a transmitter ID to a channel via an interface

Use this process if receiving channels are to be linked with constantly changing transmitters.
This could be necessary, for instance, for continuous furnaces or production lines that require
a large number of transmitters that move through the system and are read out at one single
channel of a stationary receiver. Linking can then be carried out, for example, by a PLC that
has information about the product that is currently moving through the system.

Interface description B 902931.2.0
"Linked transmitter IDs in the Modbus address list"


Pre-configuration of all transmitter IDs using the setup program

This process can also be used if the receiver is to be set up before the transmitters are com-
To do this, tick "Channel active" in the receiver channels of the setup program and insert the ID
specified on the transmitter for "Transmitter ID".
The setup data can be transmitted to the receiver in a block and saved as a file.


Configuring customer-specific transmitter IDs on the transmitter side

Use this process if there are compelling reasons for not using the factory default transmitter
IDs. Instead of the default transmitter IDs, the transmitter can be assigned a customer-specific
transmitter ID. This requires the setup program, as the customer-specific transmitter ID must
be stored in the transmitter beforehand using the setup interface. It should be clearly visible
and durably affixed to the transmitter, or noted and kept at a different place.

The customer-specific transmitter ID is linked on the receiver side in the same manner as the
default transmitter IDs.

Chapter 8.1.1 "Convenient selection of the received transmitter ID from the link list and as-
signment to a channel", page 50

Chapter 8.1.2 "Manual assignment of a transmitter ID to a channel", page 52

The difference in the procedure is that the ID assignment in pairs can also be changed on the
transmitter side, which permits the use of low, easy to remember IDs, for example 1 to 16. How-
ever, it must be ensured that IDs are not assigned twice as otherwise the receiver cannot dif-
ferentiate between the transmitters that have the same ID.