Apple Compressor (4.1.2) User Manual
Page 28

Chapter 4
Advanced adjustments
General properties
Name: Displays the name of the setting.
Description: Displays the description of the setting.
Extension: Displays the extension of the output file (.m4v).
Allow job segmenting: If you’ve set up distributed processing, select this checkbox to have
Compressor process the output file using your shared computer group. For more information,
Transcode batches with multiple computers
on page 98.
Default location: Choose an item from the pop-up menu to set the default save location for
transcoded files.
Format: Use this pop-up menu to set whether the output includes video and audio, or
video only.
Optimize for network use: Select this checkbox to create a file that will start playing after only a
small portion of the file has been downloaded from the network.
This section contains one property:
Set duration to: Sets the processing algorithm used to adjust the frame rate during transcoding.
Select one of the following options:
[Percentage] of source: Modifies the output clip’s speed by a percentage of the source clip’s
speed. Enter a value in the percentage field or choose a preset value from the adjacent
pop-up menu (with a downward arrow).
[Total duration]: Sets the duration of the clip. Enter a timecode duration in the field or click
the arrows to increase or decrease the time.
So source frames play at [frame rate] fps: Nondestructively changes the playback speed of the
clip, without discarding frames or creating new frames. This setting has no effect unless the
“Frame rate” value in the Video inspector is different than the source file’s frame rate. For
example, if you add a 10-second source file with a frame rate of 24 fps to Compressor, set the
“Frame rate” property in the Video inspector to 25 fps, and then select “So source frames play
at 25 fps” in the General inspector, the duration of the transcoded clip (at 25 fps) is 9 seconds
and 15 frames.
For more information, see
on page 69.
Video properties
Frame size: Use the pop-up menu to set an automatically calculated frame size (resolution)
range for the output file. For more information, see
on page 67.
Pixel aspect ratio: For settings that use the H.264 format, the pixel aspect ratio is set to Square.
Frame rate: Use this pop-up menu to set the playback rate (the number of images displayed
per second) for the output file. For more information, see
page 69.
Field order: For settings that use the H.264 format, the field order is set to Progressive
(complete frames are scanned).
Multi-pass: Select this checkbox to turn on multi-pass encoding that uses additional analysis
of video frames to produce a high-quality output file. For faster (single-pass) transcoding, turn
this feature off by deselecting the checkbox.
Bit rate: Select the Automatic checkbox to have Compressor calculate the appropriate bit rate
for the output file, based on the frame size of the source file and device compatibility. If the
checkbox is not selected, you can set the bit rate by dragging the slider or entering a value in
the text field.
67% resize factor