Apple LiveType 2 User Manual

Page 91

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Chapter 7

Working With Effects and Keyframe Animation


To adjust an effect’s timing parameters:


In the Timeline, select an effect that has been applied to a track.


Click the Timing tab in the Inspector.

The current timing parameters for the selected effect are reflected.

The Timing tab contains the following timing options:

 Random: A randomized effect treats each character on a track separately, as opposed

to applying the effect parameters to the entire track at once. With this setting, the
effect transforms each character in a random order, separated by the designated
number of frames or seconds. The Seed field allows you to select alternative random
orders, up to 255, if the order doesn’t look quite right.

 Sequence: A sequenced effect starts by transforming one character, then moves to

the next adjacent character, and so on. A sequence value of 0 indicates that the
effect plays simultaneously for all characters. With a value of 25, the effect begins to
transform the first character, then when the effect is 25 percent into the
transformation, it begins to transform the next character, and so on. The Start pop-up
menu below the Sequence slider defines the direction from which the sequence

 Speed: You can change the speed of an effect, as a percentage of its default speed.

Increasing an effect’s speed decreases its duration. The Start pop-up menu below the
Speed slider allows you to run the effect in reverse.

 Delay: The delay setting sets the start or end time of the effect in relation to the

beginning or endpoint of the track. Using this setting is an alternative to positioning
an effect directly in the Timeline.

The Timing tab
of the Inspector