Apple LiveType 2 User Manual
Page 153

LiveType projects. See projects
Live Wireframe Preview 20, 21, 109, 132, 147
locked items
characters 133
elements 133
movies 83
textures 83
tracks 27
Loop button 110
looping items
effects 92
LiveFonts effects 61
.ltfx extension 29
.ltlf extension 29
.ltob extension 29
.lttm extension 29
.lttx extension 29
Mac OS, version of 134
MacPaint format 115
magnifying view. See zoom controls
mailing lists for Pro Apps Developers 133
described 145
In Point 27
Out Point 27
Render Selection 27, 113
sequencing 94–96
timing 45
matte feature 24, 72–76, 85, 117–119
Media Browser
categories in 30
described 13, 25, 145
media files in 29
media files
described 145
importing 30
included with LiveType 28
older versions of 29
memory 113, 134, 146
Missing AFD dialog 111
Motion JPEGA and JPEGB codecs 115
motion paths
adding to effects 104
described 96
scrolling or crawling text 128
unsmooth 132
See also titling movies
attributes 85
background 43–45
filling track contents with 75
finding using the Timeline 107
importing 43–45, 82
looping through 110
output quality 112
preview. See preview movies
rendering 114–116
styles 85
unlocking position of 83
moving items
grouped tracks 56
groups of effects 92
MPEG-2 format 43, 82, 115
MPEG-4 format 43, 82, 102, 115
names of modified effects 102
Needle Drop effect 119–121
Nitro LiveFont 126
normal quality 112
NTSC format 145
NTSC monitors 132
NTSC pixels 132
NTSC video 144, 145
See also elements
adding to Canvas 80
animated 8
attributes 85
creating strings of 84–85
described 8, 145
resizing 83
storing 29
styles 85
transforming 83–85
treatments 22
working with 80
Objects folder 29
Objects tab 80
offsetting items
attributes for 24
Canvas Offset parameter 128
glow or shadows 69
non-text elements 85
text 66
attributes 24
backgrounds 41
glow or shadows 69
mattes. See matte feature
rendering backgrounds and 45
transparent text 65
order of effects 93
Outline extrusion option 71
Outline style 22, 70–71, 85