Apple LiveType 2 User Manual
Page 66

Chapter 5
Working With Text
 Blur: The blur attribute is similar to opacity, but it fades and expands the outer edges
as if the text is out of focus. Blur can be applied equally to the X and Y axes or
unequally, for different outcomes. A blur setting of 0 is off, with no blurring effect.
The maximum blur setting is 25.
 Scale: Scale stretches or squeezes text on the X and Y axes, with 100 being the same
size as the original text. Note that scale parameters are applied independently to
each character around its pivot point, not to the entire track as a unit.
Note: Unlike the Scale parameter, the Size parameter in the Text tab scales text from
the baseline, and also takes text tracking into consideration.
 Offset: Offset repositions the text relative to its original position on the track. An
offset of 0 indicates no position shift on that axis.
 Rotate: With the rotation dial, you can position an element not only in the 360
degree range, but configure any number of revolutions in the context of an effect.
A glyph sized using the Size parameter
keeps its original baseline and tracks
with adjacent characters.
A glyph sized using the Scale parameter
expands around its pivot point without
affecting the position of other glyphs
on the track.